Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Yeah, finally I had another photo session after like years lol

Anyway, it was my boyf (again) who offered me, I'm so lucky for having him haha. I bought a bleached purple jeans shirt on Monday at HIM ; a man clothing store near m uni. Yeh, a MAN clothing store. but really they have cute stuffs and I found this cute shirt and it was small and fitted me ahah i really love the color! So here is how I style it....

Purple Bleached Denim Shirt - HIM
Black Skirt - Forever21
Black Sneakers - New Look

It was a short photo session cuz it was hot and I was super hungry lol, but I thank my boyf for the photo session haha <3

My swagger <3

My uni was getting crazier, the assignments and stuffs are freakin me out. The semester was just started but the assignments arrrgghh... Yeh I know that's what i'm gona get for being an architecture student. I'll try my best not to be such a lazyass deadliners anymore, I won't screw this semester like I did before, I'm gonna do my best...
Anyway I wanted to post my DIY pics but still struggling to make it easy to understand, I might also post a DIY or Fashion Vlog on my YouTube acc which it's been like years. I uploaded 2 videos it was like a year ago, I open it today and I never ever thought that it could hit 3k viewers o.o hahah it was a silly video of me showing my dyed shorts and tops and asking you whether you want me to do the tutorial of the shorts or t-shirt and people are actually answer it omgggg o.o thankyou thankyou thankyou!!!!!! ^^
I'll see u on the next post BYEEEE!!! <3
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1 comment:

  1. thank you for your previous comment dear! you have such a unique style too!
